How to create a good habit?

 How to create a good habit?

There are some certain laws for turing a work into a habit. Don't get scared. There are only four. So let's introduce with those...

1.Make it obvious:
     It is not regarded as habit until it is clear in your mind. Some people say writing your aiming work is better than unwritten. I have also tried this and I think it really works! A habit should make a clear appearance in our mind. We should always think of the time and the location of doing that.

2. Make it attractive:
     This law is totally depended on a person’s choice. If you want to do exercise daily and if you love listening music you can do these together. So it won't be much boring to you I guess. Find an enjoyment in your habit. Then you can get a inspiration of doing that.

3. Make it Easy:
     If the habit itself is hard how can we make them easy? You don’t have to. You can turn the big habit into small once. Like if you want to go to gym first you have to wear the shoes. On the very first day you don’t have to go. Maybe you can just walk to the main gate of your building. Take it slowly. 

4. Make it satisfying:
      Waking up early in the morning is a tuff work. Everybody can't do this. It was difficult for me also. But it was, not now. For me, coffee is my favourite. I set a time everyday. If I could wake up in that certain time I would make myself a cup of coffee. Otherwise I can't have in that entire day. Though it was hard to wake up early but gradually I make that happen! Maybe you can call me greedy but as I could satisfy myself with a reward, that habit didn’t seem much difficult for me.

Four laws of habit

So are you ready to make a good habit?

(I have written these lines inspired by 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear. It is truly an amazing book. You guys can check the book.)


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