Decent hour of sleeping | REM Sleep| Stages of sleep

 Everyone of us know that the common range of sleeping everyday is 6-8 hours. 

Humans are not a machine. There needs a pause button which will ensure us to take a break from our busy day life. And surprisingly many of us don't know much about sleeping.

Why should we know? Do we have to learn how to sleep?!

Of course not. But you have to know how sleeping works and how it is divided into different stages. Have you heard about sleep circles? If you don’t have yet, Don't worry. Within Five minutes you will get to know. According to sleep researchers, each night your body and brain go through certain phases of sleep cycles. I'm trying to explain you here.

STAGE -1 :

After going to bed and letting your head touch the pillow, it will take 15-20 minutes to lose consciousness. You don’t become fully drown to sleep but you start to. In this stage you are aware of sounds and slight movements around you.

STAGE -2 :

In this stage you are not aware of slow sounds or movements. Anyone calling you might wake you up but you're kind of unconscious.  Here yet you’re not totally asleep.

STAGE 3 & 4:

These two stages are together because you’ve entered into deep sleep. You're unconscious at this stage and practically your body & brain does most of its repair functions.


This stage is known as Rapid Eye Movement stage. It's the time when your dream occurs to you. At the end of your unconsciousness into consciousness ready to repeat the sleep cycle with stage 1 again.

Ok. We gather knowledge about the cycles but how much time it takes to complete one?

Well it actually depends on person. But the common time for any person is 90 minutes. If you wake up middle of your stages it will cause tiredness for your body. So whenever you sleep try to complete one cycle for feeling fresh and alert.


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