6 Effective study tips

Effective study tips

Some of us are afraid of this word. Even we don't want to do but we have to. So we can't skip it. But is there any way that can make this boring thing interesting?  
                                         Well, there are some ways to make study effectively. This will make what difference? It will reduce your study table time and help you to memorize  your reading easily.

What are these?
1.Give a deadline
2.Active recall
3.Mind map
4.Pomodoro technique
5.Method of Loci
6.Feyman's technique

Let's exaggerate these.
 1.Give a deadline:

Here again comes To Do List. Make a plan in your mind first what you are gonna do. This will make ready your mind and prepare it for doing that. For the best results it would be better to set a time. Goggle calendar is my favourite for this. You can schedule your work and block your time for that.

2.Active recall:

Let's say you have read one page of biology. After just reading that one or two time close your eyes and try to remember what was this page like. Try to repeat yourself. This helps you to remember your studies a lot more than the usual 10 times reading.

3.Mind map:

This actually means making a connection between your information. If we gather info and remember them as different things- our mind will take these as varieties and its hard to remember. So whenever you learn something new try to reconnect that with old one.

4.Pomodoro technique:

Here comes Pomodoro technique by Francesco Cirillo. It means study 25 minutes attentively and then take a break for 5 minutes. There was a research about this technique. Surprisingly the students who followed this technique was able to remember things better. But I think its hard for students because that 5 min break will maybe take our 30 min. (What can we do? We love breaks!:))

5.Method of Loci:

It is mainly a visualize game. It's like in a room you think of placing different thing at different places. Then just stand up and walk from a point and gradually try to remember all things you have placed. Some people are great at visualizing. So I think this is gonna help them.

6.Feyman's technique:

 Whenever you learn new things try to teach that others. That can be your friends(if they are more serious than you in studies) or your any soft toy(make them literate also like you) or your pet if you have one . if you teach someone easily that means you have a clear concept. But if you have difficulties to teach then you may have some lacking. Don't worry. Do it twice or more than that if you need. Teaching is a way where the teacher also can understand or explore topics. Try it!

Let me know which one you want to try or you think most effective. Can't wait to see your opinions.


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