6 Ways of being Productive At Home

Who doesn't want to be productive? But we don't know how to be productive. First let's know who is called productive? A person who knows the value of time and making his knowledge resembled with his behaviour is called productive. Here are some ways of being productive-

              If you have any task to do just do it right now! Wanna do 30 push ups? Do your first one immediately . Don't let your mind thinking that you are gonna do that in future. Maybe that is never gonna happening.

               We all know multitasking is a prim capability of a person. We start seeing that person as conscientious. but does it really help? Ok! Let's say one can do two works in total 40min. When you do multitasking, it may take more than that time. Why? You're doing a lot of work at the specific time. But you only creating pressure on your mind. 

Many of you can say we listen music & do our work. I am agree with you here. This time its a sub work you can say. You're kind of relaxing your mind. So It does kind of help.

               Many of us wait for a round number in the clock so that we can start our task. This really is killing us. I know it is germane. Whenever you have a task, don't wait for the clock to get a beautiful round time. Start that very moment! (Here comes again our first point) At the end of your day you can realize how many minutes you have saved!

               It's kind of intricate but significant. If you want to study, try to remove all the other books you aren't going to need right now. Not having lots of thing on the table will gonna help you not to distract.Humans are visually affected. Try to make your environment

              Again here we have to do list. I don't think I can end up writing the importance of to do list. I just wanna say if you don't know what you are gonna do the whole day, you're gonna end up your day with epiphany of doing nothing.

6.Don't say 'NO TIME':
               Don't just think you don't have time. It's is an excuse. If you realize it on the first day I think it is good for you because you have angst about this problem. But if you're having this thought again & again that means you're not doing anything to solve this. SO please don't tell yourself about shortage of time because every person of this universe are getting the same 1440 minutes in a day.


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