How to learn a new LANGUAGE effectively
I think everyone of us who want to learn a new language always face some common problems. As I also started to learn Japanese, I'm also struggling with this.
So I have pointed out my issues and thought about it. I got to know that there are some common steps in every language learning which can be followed.Now I'm gonna talk about these...
1. Get started FIRST:
We think a lot about how we are gonna start, how the country is, how much difficult the grammer part is and so on. After realizing that we have a lot of things to learn then we affectionately put a full stop. Don't think so deep. Start learning the language. Let's know how the Alphabet pronounce. I'm not telling you not to watch videos of the country. Of course you will. But let not this make a negative effect on your learning journey.
Remember "Every 10 mile journey starts with a single step."
2.Learn highly used verbs:
Quick question: What word is used in every single sentence?
Yes, It's verb. I think you all are agree with me that in every language there are common verbs which are used most often .SO your first step should be learn maybe top 50 or 25 verbs. You can see a huge difference in understanding.
3.Don't stuck in grammer:
We struggle learning grammer in our own mothertounge.So it will be of course difficult for us to learn new rules in a language which we start to learn noe. So don't bother much for learning grammer. Take it slowly.
4.Listen short stories and note words and listen again:
I found it very effective.Listen 5min or less than 5 minutes of a short story. First listen without subtitles and then watch the subtitles and note new 5 words. After knowing the meaning you can listen again. It will help you to save these words in your long term memory.
There is no alternative way of repeatation . You must review your new words after a certain time.Maybe first one week you can't see a difference but trust me it really makes. You can't just grab the word and throw it in sentence. It can't be. You should have fluency so that whenever you talk words should come form your mind one by one easily.
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