Effectiveness of Reading Novels

Who doesn’t like to read novels? We may like different categories of book but the main thing is we all like it. 

In this competitive world while doing our hobbies, we can also take a step ahead for making us a better version. So Let's see how we can do this-

1.Enrich Vocabulary :

Take a paper and pencil. Look only one or two pages of your novel. See how many words look new to you. Note down those and find out the meaning. Then read that page again. You're gonna understand the context better and also learn new words.

2.Listen audio books:

Whatever book you are reading, search for the audiobook in the internet. You don't have to listen the whole audio. Just listen 5 min or 1-2 pages of your book. This will help you to pronounce words better. If you want to improve your accent I'm definitely suggesting you to follow this. You can see a huge difference. 

3. Read aloud:

After listening the audiobook you can read that page with your listening accent. Or you can play the audio in low volume and try to mimic that. This shadow technique will really gonna help you.

This one I can't define as a tip but it is my favourite thing to do. Highlighting that line which amazes you, which got a place in your heart after the first reading, which affects not in  your mind but your heart. I always mark those lines so after reading the book whenever I'm gonna open the pages my mind creates the whole memory. It reminds me the feeling as the first time and reminds me the word also. 


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