9 ways of Being Self-disciplined

We're the sufferers of being undisciplined. Self-discipline is a blessing and I think quite hard thing to be onto it. 

Who doesn't want to be productive? But we don't know how to be productive. First let's know who is called productive? A person who knows the value of time and making his knowledge resembled with his behaviour is called productive. Productivity and Self-discipline is like getting in a same way.

There are some ways of being Self-disciplined. Here are some-

1. Scheduling relaxation time:

Some people thinks that we don’t have time for finishing work so how can we get time for relaxing. Relaxing time isn't something that is wasting your time. It just like a battery to fill your energy up from then. It will recharge you up. So whenever you stuck in any thing just take a deep breath, make your eyes closed for 1-2 minutes or take a nap. Prioritise your own happiness first.

Find Your Happiness


Of course every person doesn’t have to do all important things in one day. Everyday make yourself clear about your three important task. It either can be your office work or any study topics. Whatever those costs you are gonna make those 3 completed. This will help to build your encouragement. And you’re gonna see how day by day you’re stepping ahead. Here 80/20 Rule fits the most. For expand your thought about this rule, you can check out below-

80/20 Rule

3.Exlude 'BUT' :

When we get options, we become confused. If you have to do something don’t use any other words but 'DO!'. Showing a cause to yourself will make a pause in your work. So use less BUT and become more successful. 

4.Start Small:

I always say one thing, just make your first step. Just go for one. Dreaming about starting a new task wont work if it isn’t implying in reality. So whatever work you want to be done make sure you’ve already started to work for that. 

5. Daily Journal :

Making a daily routine makes your improvement one step further. It saves so much of your time and make your life a way more productive.

How to do "Daily Reveiw"

6.Recover from Mistakes:

Many of us are afraid of mistakes. It's ok to do mistakes. It's completely normal. But if your mistake make a full stop in your work then I would say that is a problem. I don’t think a work can be done once in your life. It repeats. So make sure that your mistake doesn't repeat. Mistakes will show those side where your work can be improved. Take it positive & learn from it!

7. Delayed Gratification:

We've all heard that "Success doesn’t come overnight." Doing something will not instantly get a result for you, but gradually it does. You have to have patience and believe in yourself that your hard work isn’t going in vain. Give enough time to make the star shine.

8. Visualisation:

In many motivational speeches we heard that make a visualisation about 'Future YOU'. It helps you to see yourself what you’re gonna see in present. Most importantly, it reminds you to do those works which is gonna make that possible.


Making yourself focused isn’t easy. Its something that even we want this but can't. It happens for everyone. Make yourself organized & do meaningful things.

Never give up, Keep doing your work dedicatively. You're gonna make it possible! Believe in yourself.


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