Exercise motivation | Pull up yourself
Exercise! 'Hard to do'-maybe it will be the first line after hearing the word for most of the people. We don't have time to do exercise. But what if we can do in between our daily works by doing some small changes. Here are some ideas to get you exercising and moving more:
1. Track your movement:
I think nowadays everyone has a device that tracks the number of steps per day, number of minutes the person was active, number of stairs he climbed during the day, and even how many hours he sleeps per night. Simply tracking yourself is gonna help you to become more conscious, to be more management consultant.
Peter Drucker once said,
"What gets measured, gets managed."
This clearly means that If you want to manage fitness, you have to start measuring it.
2.Add movement to your life:
Start thinking of ways to add movement to your life. You can park your car away from the usual distance, or play with your children more often, or start stairs instead of the elevator all the time. Small movement such as these all add up.
3. Sign up for a weekly sport:
Sign up with a family member swimming. If you keep it weekly, you're less likely to give up or friend for a weekly sport like cycling, hiking, jogging on it. Doing a weekly sport with a friend encourages you to maintain it, as well as having personal one-to-one time with them.
4. Use home video exercises:
If you don't like the gym or can't commit to a weekly outdoors sport, there are some great home video exercises available to you. Commit to doing 30 minutes of home video exercises at least three times per week and you'll see a marked difference to your fitness level. You can now find some of these fitness exercises on YouTube or on dedicated apps.
5. Keep it interesting:
Try to vary all of the above in your life and don't limit yourself to a single form of exercise. You'll find it much easier to commit to a regular fitness routine if you keep it interesting. Also, involve others so you stay motivated.
Now here comes a question. How much exercise should one do per week?
Here's a short answer: "According to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, adults should shoot for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, ideally spread throughout an entire week"
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