Language learning Mistakes | Effective Learning

      Language learning can be a passion for any person.It's quite cool like talking something in a way which can't be understood by the common people (those expression which we don't want to be understood to the opposite one). Isn't it?

So Let's get to know which things we should keep in mind for making our journey successful-

1.Create a realistic plan:

We can make a plan which can be divided into three terms.

  • Short Term
  • Mid Term
  • Long Term
It's quite like a academic study plan. Your short term plan will be your daily review. Here it should be mentioned that in some researches scientist found that for some people daily plan doesn't work  that much as the weekly does. So here comes the mid-term plan. It can be after every week or every 15 days. It is gonna show you how you are gradually progressing.  

The long term goal can be reviewed in every month or six months or a year. You can go for any of these or follow those three. Do whatever you want but remember reviewing is a must.

2.Learning Daily:

Be consistent.  Making learning regular is a must. Include this like a habit in your life. Try to connect this with other task which you perform daily. Like after having lunch or dinner you will give 15 minutes for this. Maybe in short term it Won't look like much progressive but when you will actually get a view of long run it will make you overwhelmed. 

3.Try to avoid using excessive resources:

 I saw many people's phone which is crowded by lots of apps which is rarely even opened. What's the meaning of those things which isn't helping in your learning journey? I am not stopping you to use any. I just wanna clear that use one and track one and do it constantly. 

We can get a lot of information from the internet but do we ever use that in our life?

So choose one resource & give half of your learning time in using that one. You can choose one for vocabulary, one for podcast & one for speaking. Finally combine these all in your little cute dairy.

4.Don't be a Quitter:

airy.Language learning can be sometimes awful. You may lose your interest or don't have the power or strenth to study but look! It's normal. Every learner goes through it. It's not a problem. But if this puts a full-stop in your language journey then it will be a problem. Don't finish your aim in the mid line. Just make through the finish line. Then you can see you have covered a lot of path more than your expectation.


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