Motivation & Study
Are you feeling demotivated but yet you have to study? I think all of us have faced this situation. So yeah! There are ways for this.
1.Give your feelings importance:
It is you who will be doing all those things. So of course you have some importance. Ask yourself if you are ready for that & if you are not-what are the things that are gonna make you ready for that. So always don't push yourself against your feeling. You should make the worker happy if you want to accomplish any work nicely.
2.Remind your goal:
I always repeat one thing-Write down your goals in paper and secretly keep it to yourself. Whenever you feel unmotivated just look at that paper and imagine how you wanted to end this goal journey. If you can really think of that it is undauntedly understandable for you that for this result you aren't suppose to sit idle right now.
3.Start with the two minute rule:
Start with something which can be done in two minutes. It can be a math or a law or a scientific name. But just start for it. Once you have pressed on the accelerator the car will help you to keep going on your way.
For knowing more about Two minute rule click here. Two Minute Rule
4.Try to focus on your work:
Remove other books or other unnecessary thing from your study table. Whatever you are going to read in one sit ,just keep those. Unnecessary things will distract you and convert your focus. And of course remove electronic devices. Study 30min That's ok.But do effectively.
5.Reward yourself for doing your task:
I always try to reward myself after completing a goal. Trust me you deserve this. Whatever you like do that for you. It can be making a cup of coffee or any food item (but don't waste hours for making that) or read a page of novel or see short videos. Take a break for 5-10 minutes. It is not gonna waste your time instead for this 5 min you can use your next 1 hour 2x effectively.
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